Are Horoscopes True? The Reality Behind Fortune Telling!
Are Horoscopes really true? Are the predication these astrologers make, true? How far are they accurate? Should we believe in it or not?
Well! I have been researching on it for a long time to find out the reality behind the horoscope, palm reading and fortune telling.
Lets see what I found out.
This is what they say:
Horoscopes are just part of mathematics which is given a name "Astrology". Now this mathematics of astrology is Probability based outcome. Astrology gives you % of probability based on gravitational and time effects.
This is just probability. One may or may not believe it.
This is what I got on Wikipedia:
No scientific studies have shown support for accuracy of horoscopes, and the methods used to make interpretations are pseudo-scientific(claims, beliefs or practices as being possible scientifically).
Some psychologist tests have shown that it is possible to construct personality descriptions and foretelling generic enough to satisfy most members of a large audience simultaneously which is referred to as Forer or Barnum Effect.
Now what is this Barnum Effect?
Barnum Effect is the observation that individuals will give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically for them
In fact, they are vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people.
Take a look at this video
On average, the accuracy made by using Barnum Effect is 4.26 out of 5.
You see, how perfectly people can fake.
Consider seriously just why planets and stars and the Sun would be intimately involved in your daily affairs. :D
Its your choice at the end of the day if you still want to believe.Human beings are lot more complex than any horoscope could ever dream of.
I would say Stop believing in Horoscopes, Start believing in yourself.
The real magic is inside You!
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