Why You Should Make Choices on Your Own?
We don’t regret the things we do, but we regret the things
we don’t do.
I am sure nobody wants to be one such person who ends up
regretting not doing things he wanted. So why not make our choices and do
things we want, while it is still in our scope. Take the reins of our life in
our hands, whatever decision we make, good or bad, it will be ultimately on us
who be responsible, who will be rewarded, who get the result of the decision we
have made. Even if the decision goes wrong, at least there will be no one to
blame. It was our own decision to do that. So, do whatever the heart says,
while it is still beating!
Making a big life change is pretty scary. But know
what’s even scarier? Regret!
- Good decision comes from experience and
experience comes from bad decisions
With every choice you make, you create your life
We make our choices and then choices turn around
and make us.
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