Has it happened to you, too?

So, I have been always like this. I try to reach my destination, but when the endpoint is about to come, when my goal is almost complete and I feel like I have made it, Luck shows its true colors and I feel, this is not enough. Something is missing. There are unsettling thoughts in my mind.

For a very long time I have been trying to analyze myself, I retrospect and see if there are any flaws in my work, are there any shortfall in my efforts or is it just the pure fate that is making me fall?

I just try again, I put energies into my work and work hard as much as possible. The process of becoming better starts once again.

Then, it clicked into my mind, Why I was not able to get my 100%?

The answer is Urge for Excellence. I was striving for excellence this whole time. And everything I achieved was not enough for me. I wanted to be better, to improve myself and to achieve perfection. I did not want to settle for that 99%. Even a 100% was not 100% for me. That 100 appeared to me like I was back to square one. I wanted even more. I strive for it. So, I worked even harder. Pushed myself over the limits.

Well! Somewhere in the way of perfection, I achieved Excellence.

And this is not my story! 

